Tuesday, January 27, 2009

High School Senior Reps

I am looking for a few good high school students to be my senior representatives for the 2009 - 2010 school year. What does this mean you wonder? For starters, you will receive a reduced session fee as well as print credit, some free wallets, and a digital image for facebook, my space, etc... You can choose 2-3 outdoor locations for the session. There will be one mini indoor session - mainly for the yearbook picture. Your job? Share all your gorgeous images with your family and friends.

Think you might be interested? Drop me an email with your activities/interests, the high school you attend and why you think you would make a good rep = ) email: jillriesephoto@yahoo.com. Please put "HS Senior Rep" in the subject. At this time, only the first 25 applicants will be considered. Lincoln High Schools and surrounding area High Schools are eligible.

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