Monday, January 25, 2010

a great start

My camera has finally come out of hybernation! This was my first official session of 2010 and I couldn't have asked for better kiddos!

Enthusiastic - check!

Playful - check!

Adorable - check!

What more could I ask for? Not a thing. Mr. C was a ham from the get go! He lit up with personality in front of the lens and at times, had us all laughing! Be a judge for yourself and check out the image below. Can you see that little sparkle in his eyes paired with his little devilish grin = ) Oh my!

Big sis Ms. K had just as much personality in her. Bashful, serious, silly, etc.... you name it and I'm pretty sure we saw it (and captured it). I puffy heart her adorable dimple. I used to have a dimple, now it looks more like a wrinkle! Oh to have that beautiful dimple!!

And, to finish the session, look what they gave me. 100% all natural. I was actually trying to pose them and they did this on their own.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010 & New Year's Special

I have been M.I.A. online for quite a bit! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season! I know I did! It went by SO fast! It's been another fantastic year for Jill Riese Photography and I owe it to all of you, my clients, blog readers, supporters, friends and family. Without all of you, I wouldn't be here today. I truly love creating memories! What was once just a tiny business has exploded. Thank you!! I've spent some time reflecing on 2009 and have some great ideas for 2010 so stay tuned. A belated internet toast to all; may all your needs be met and dreams come true!

Also, I know there were a few families I just couldn't get booked in 2009. So, I'm having a very limited special, the New Year's special. Book a session with a friend or family member and split the session fee between the 2 of you. To qualify, the session must be booked AND photographed before March 31st. (Newborn sessions are not included due to the special nature of those sessions). There are 3 options available.

1. The lifestyle session - this is natural light photography in your home. Kids playing in their bedrooms, reading books, or taking baths. Or, families playing games, cuddling on the couch or having a ticklefest. It's tailored to your ideas!

2. Portable studio session - I come to your home with my portable studio for the session. See example below.

3. Outdoor sessions - For those willing to bear the cold (or wetness once it actually warms up come Feb or March). Get out the stocking hats, rainboots, umbrellas and let's go have some fun.

Please mention New Year's special when booking!