Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a trip down memory lane

Meet my cousin, "M", and her family. They came down from Gretna for some pictures and my mind took a little jog down memory lane. "M" has an older sister and a younger sister. Age wise, I fall between the eldest and "M". I remember spending the night at their farm. They had the coolest tree house and there were many a night we spent in it, tucked away under the sleeping bags and blankets. There were games of hide and go sleep in the dark with nothing but the stars to light our way. Or how about the truck rides through the fields with us girls bumping wildly up and down, giggling in the back. My cousins gave me a glimpse of what it would be like to have a sister. The hair pulling, hitting, screaming, etc... but by gosh, they had each others back if anyone else tried to mess with the other. I see this special bond now in my girls.

And then there is my aunt, the person whom I drew much inspiration from as a photographer. Besides my intro to photography class in high school, where we learned to make a pin-hole camera and the basics of dark room, she is the one I looked to. She photographed all my cousins senior pictures but even more awe inspiring were her still life images in black and white. She could make the most simple things look intriguing and interesting. The one I remember most fondly is of their mailbox covered in snow. She helped me by my first camera at Rockbrook, it was in the day of film and was a Yashica.

The talent doesn't end there in that family. My older cousin is a scrapbooking genius and is the queen of craftiness. She has her own etsy store, My Green Horned Unicorn and check out her blog to see some of her amazing work.

Now for the pictures. I love the this image of "K", but don't let her innocence deceive you. We have termed the word "spit-fire" for our middle daughter and I think all would agree Miss K has some in her, too.

Mr. C, was as easy as 1-2-3! I had a little fun playing with the processing techniques = )

And a little family fun!


Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

Your post made me smile! A wonderful trip down memory lane. I loved that treehouse and all the fun times that evolved around it!

I laughed at the term "spit-fire" in description of K, LOL. You did a great job cousin! I love the pose of M and C kissing with the kiddos covering their eyes. So cute and creative!

Ps. Thank you for the shout out of my shop and blog :)

jan said...

Wow... I am about ready to cry... trip down memory lane made me smile. Great time and wonderful memories..Your pictures are wonderful... Your are very talented. It all comes from within.. Love all these pictures

Eileen said...

Great pictures Jill and I loved the story and trip down memory lane!

Don't sell yourself short, you are one very talented lady. I tell everyone about you when they are looking for a photographer. Just hope some of them take me up on my suggestion. They wouldn't be disappointed.