Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the newest addition

This is the second time I have been honored to capture this families little miracle. Today, I help them welcome sweet princess A to the family. It was 2 years ago when I met the {M} family and started photographing Mr. H. He is now 2 years old and a very proud big brother. We were reminiscing how Mr. H was wide awake for his newborn session, perfectly content and not a peep from him, but there was definitely no sleeping. However, Princess A found that deep sleep that I love and she was out.

I love my clients and am so grateful they allow me to share in their lives. Walking into the {M} home I was greeted by my images displayed on the wall. It is so humbling and heart warming for me. Each human, a newborn, child or adult is extraordinary and unique in some way and it is me who walks away a better person.

I apologize for my blog absence. Every now and then I get buried with wonderful sessions, my dear family time, and those little things called projects. There are more sessions to share and so much to do. Wish me luck!

Mr. H two years ago...

and a few current, one formal and one lifestyle...

Here is the newest addition, sweet princess A...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

my youngest assistant to date

I have had the pleasure of photographing this family for 3-4 years and, just for the record, there are not many boys who enjoy having their picture taken...not gonna lie = ) Little Mr. {D} would fit into this category. Well, mom and dad thought it might be beneficial if I bring my son, who is bestest buds with Mr. D. I was a little weary, a 3 1/2 year old is certainly not my ideal assistant but what did we have to lose. Boys will be boys and there was a minor incident with sticks but I would say all in all, it was successful.

His sister, Ms. {A}, who never disappoints!

Mom and dad joining the fun...