Finally, the spring weather looks like it's here to stay! Woo hoo! A magnolia tree in bloom, green grass, what more could a gal ask for? Well, maybe 3 gorgeous kids to go with it! K is the oldest of the bunch and a wonderful big brother. He can make the littlest one giggle with delight and always has a protective arm around her so she doesn't fall. Oh, to top it off, he is soooo easy to photograph! T is in the middle. She just turned 3 and as I understand, received many Barbies for her bday, one actually joined us for the outing. She serenaded us with Jesus Loves Me for the first part of the shoot. So darling. I'm pretty sure she was singing when I snapped the one of them on the bench = ) N is the youngest, the baby, with a HUGE smile and two itty-bitty, tiny teeth on the bottom. A go-with-the-flow attitude but she sure did shine when the spot light was on her.
T - it was so great to catch up and see your kids!! Time for the photos...